Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
| Normal: Solar X-ray flux is quiet (< 1.00e-6 W/m^2) |
| Active: Solar X-ray flux is active (>= 1.00e-6 W/m^2) |
| M Class Flare: An M Class flare has occurred (X-ray flux >= 1.00e-5 W/m^2) |
| X Class Flare: An X Class flare has occurred (X-ray flux >= 1.00e-4 W/m^2) |
| Mega Flare: An unprecedented X-ray event has occurred (X-ray flux >= 1.00e-3 W/m^2) |
About the Geomagnetic Field status monitorThe Geomagnetic Field status monitor downloads data periodically from the NOAA Space Environment Center FTP server. The previous 24 hours of 3 hour Planetary Kp Index data is analyzed and an appropriate level of activity for the past 24 hours is assigned as follows: